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A comment from Fadi Suidan, CEO of Jerusalem International YMCA:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Nothing pleases me more than reading your reflections during your visit in October this year, and it gives me greater pleasure to write back my take on the team's reflections.

As the CEO of the Jerusalem International YMCA, I am profoundly moved by Sabrina's reflections on her unexpected journey in the Holy Land, particularly on the day that marked the beginning of the (we stopped counting) conflict. Sabrina and her team's visit, initially planned as a get to know the global Y tour, evolved into an extraordinary experience of deep human connection and spiritual growth amidst unforeseen circumstances.

Sabrina's narrative eloquently captures the essence of what we, at the Jerusalem International YMCA, strive to embody - fostering understanding, peace, and unity in the midst of diversity and conflict. Her ability to lean into the situation, embracing the challenges and uncertainties, is a powerful testament to the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit.

Her reflections on the importance of self-education, compassion, empathy, and kindness align perfectly with our core values. These qualities are essential in our ongoing efforts to bridge cultural and historical divides, and to promote dialogue and understanding in a region often marked by conflict and unimaginable loss of life.

Moreover, Sabrina's experience underscores the transformative power of international service. It is not just about the work done or the sights seen, but the profound personal and collective growth that occurs when individuals step out of their comfort zones and engage with unfamiliar environments and communities, which is what onPrinciple is doing.

We are grateful to have hosted Sabrina and her team during such a pivotal moment. Their response to the unexpected circumstances, their willingness to serve and learn in the midst of adversity, and their reflections post-visit, are sources of inspiration for us all. We look forward to fostering more such meaningful exchanges in the future, but under more peaceful circumstances, believing that every encounter is a step towards a more understanding, peaceful and sustainable world.



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